Monday, June 13, 2011

This special lemonade @EdsTown during the #Foodography shoot was delicious!

On Saturday, I received an invite from @TrulyJoannies to drop by Town Restaurant, in Kaimuki.  The TV series Food(ography) was set up in the restaurant to feature @EdsTown in an upcoming episode that would be showcasing a few of Hawaii's unique restaurants.  We dropped by to be background diners in the restaurant for the Food(ography) episode.
@TrulyJoannies, Twitterless Jenna and I were seated at a table where we were to try to eat the delicious plates of food slowly.  It took a lot of restraint to not eat everything in sight as soon as it was placed on our table.  We needed to eat slow enough for the camera crew to capture enough usable footage of us enjoying the delicious Town Restaurant food.
Here is a Twitpic photo of the scene that @NathanKam took of us. seated at the table waiting to eat.

It was nice to be able to eat the delicious food that @EdsTown will be explaining in this Food(ography) episode and the Lemonade was amazing!  Be sure to watch this episode to learn why Town Restaurant is unique.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Another Saturday coffee experience @BeachBumCafe

I was just noticing that I failed to post anything on my blog during the entire month of May!  How could that happen?  I know why it's happened.  It's because of Facebook & Twitter.  The instantaneous posting of photos and what I'm doing to my Facebook Profile and my Twitter Stream have caused me to lose focus on my blog!
I decided to see what I could come up with in the last 10 minutes that I sit in this cafe (umm not the one I'm posting about).  I looked in my recent photos and found a bunch from Saturday's coffee hour at Beach Bum Cafe.  So here it goes...
Saturday, @Konaish, @KelliNakama, @Knyghtingale and Twitterless daughter of @Konaish met up at at Beach Bum Cafe for coffee.  It's always a fun group when we meet there on Saturdays!
We we shown a Maragogype coffee bean (largest in the world) and a Kona Typica (I think that's what it is... the smallest bean in the world).  I took a picture and it's in this bunch.
That's all I have time for now.  I gotta go.
I have posted about Beach Bum Cafe in the past.  Here is the post about Beach Bum Cafe.